Week of the Young Child®

The purpose of the Week of the Young Child® (WOYC) is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.

To learn more about WOYC, visit NAEYC’s website.

The 2025 Week of the Young Child® is April 5-11.

Get Involved!

Are you looking to get more involved in the 2025 Week of the Young Child, but aren’t sure where to start? We have several templates available for you to use to reach out to families and members of your community!

City mayors sign proclamations for the Week of the Young Child® – 2024

Winterset Mayor Proclamation
Tom Leners, Mayor of Winterset, signs the WOYC proclamation with several local early care and education providers.

In the last few years, we have learned we can’t underestimate the importance of our early childhood educators and providers.

Don Dewaard, Pella Mayor
Pella 2
Rebecca Ausman and Mayor Dewaard of Pella pose with their WOYC proclamation.
Ankeny 2
Wendy Mosdal poses with the Ankeny mayor’s WOYC proclamation.
Marshalltown 2
Jillian Herink, Julia Green, and Mayor Joel Greer of Marshalltown pose with their WOYC proclamation.

As parent and a grandparent,  I am committed to the wellbeing of young children and their families and I am concerned with early childhood education in the state.  As the Mayor of Marshalltown, I proclaim April 6-12 as Week of the Young Child and express my appreciation to all that work so hard to provide quality care and education to our youngest Iowan’s.

Joel Greer, Marshalltown Mayor

In the News

Several of our proclamations made it into local newspapers!

Newspaper Article cropped
An article about the Week of the Young Child is featured on the Winterset Madisonian’s front page.
Marshalltown Newspaper 1
An article about WOYC is featured in the Marshalltown Times Republican.
Get involved

Make a difference by participating in advocacy events or joining one of our Professional Engagement Groups.

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Your donation supports training and professional development initiatives and connects early childhood educators to tools and resources.

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Connect with other early childhood educators in your area and take part in professional development opportunities.